Friday, January 6, 2012

Toddler - baby?

Yes, I think every parent does at one or other stage. Do not feel bad. I hated the stage between 18 months up until about 2 and half years. There were so many communication errors between me and my daughter. I didn't understand what she wanted and they get frustated. They also have to learn how to handle their feelings and in the prosess you have to work through a few temper tantrums. NOT NICE. But then suddenly everything fell into place, she knows her boundaries (altough she still tests them sometimes), we understand each other and they are turning into their own little persons. You are almost there! Just remember that every stage has is own advantages and disadvantages. Some people are better with babies and some are better with grown children. I have never been a babies person, and enjoy my bigger child immensely. I will definitely have some more children though, as no two children will ever be same and I do love her so.

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